Monday, December 30, 2013

She Can Dance a Cajun Rhythm

@Sunshine_Dayydream . . . hooping where the wind goes.

Lauren Grady (@sunshine_dayydream) is a 22 year old Hooper and Graduate Student at Sage Graduate School in Troy, NY. Currently working on her doctorate in physical therapy, she eventually plans to specialize in pediatrics. Not only does Lauren love children, she also loves cats, hula hoops, and music festivals. During her senior year as an undergrad, she was a team leader with a group who taught the younger generation how to hula hoop in order to relieve stress and become more physically active. Aside from hooping, she spends her time reading, learning, making hemp jewelry, helping others, dancing, and enjoying the great outdoors.

Lauren's Hoop Journey started in July 2012. In preparation for the All Good Music Festival, she really started dedicating herself. For Lauren, hooping is more than a circle that spins 'round and 'round. It has become a form a physical fitness she looks forward to, meditation, confidence, and an excellent way to bond with others. In an email Lauren stated, "It makes me so happy to hand a hoop over to a newcomer and watch them light up when they can do it. I have now gotten many friends into this lovely lifestyle, and they are so grateful. I held a World Hoop Day at my college with a bunch of my friends this year and they all have gotten so good. Now that just feels amazing."

This little ray of sunshine is all about sharing her love and gift, and I simply wanted to return the favor. Look up her instagram and YouTube. It's a haven of happy hooping!!!

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